Both girls started something new this week. Sarah Kate started walking. She's up to about 4 or 5 steps before she plops. The first few times she did it, she grinned so big, scrunched her little nose up and looked around to see who else was so proud of her! She likes to take a few steps then point to you to make sure you noticed what a big girl she is! I've tried unsuccessfully to catch her in the act; hopefully I'll have a better picture of her to post soon.
Claire Bear started dance this week. She picked out her leotard, complete with a tutu and sparkles. She was so excited the first morning. She really enjoyed it. She learned to turn on her toes. She told us her teacher said not to run, but she ran a few times. I'll keep you informed about her recital date, in case you want to come see a group of preschoolers dance : )

It was hard to get a picture of her; I couldn't get her to stand still!
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