Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hunting Eggs (or "Watching Others Hunt Eggs")

As I write the title, I consider how funny that is, "hunting eggs." Like it is a sport involving special equipment, scents, calls, and clothing. I guess it does require all of that. Easter baskets, plastic eggs, smell of chocolate and sugar-covered marshmallows (because marshmallows need to be sweeter!), squeals of delight, parents coaxing "grab that egg!", and pastels of every shade. Children get the adrenaline rush of a middle-aged man in a tree stand when he hears the rustle of bushes across the field. They spot flashes of color all over the fellowship hall (when it's raining on hunting day) and can't decide where to dart first. "Look how many eggs I got!" they each brag, proudly displaying their basket.
Sarah Kate didn't get into the rush of it all. She's a rookie, just happy to watch everyone else run around frantically. I tried to help her find eggs, but she just didn't get too excited about it. I did get a rise out of her when I tried to put her candy away. "Nandy! Nandy!" Such a cutie!

Why no pictures of Claire? She moves too fast for my slow camera! I didn't put it on action mode so she's a big pink and purple blur!

Monday, March 10, 2008

First Day of School (& work)

We survived our first day of school & work. I started at 4:30 a.m. I had time to sit and talk to David, drink coffee, enjoy some picture taking. I was 5 minutes late, even still! I forgot to give Kate her medicine and remembered 1/2 way across the mountain. Then I missed the turn to the school, putting me in thicker-than-necessary traffic. Add in school zones and 8 o'clock rush. ARG! Tomorrow will be better . . . I hope.

The girls enjoyed their first day. Sarah Kate cried; she cries anytime I leave. I had to remind Claire to give me a hug. She was on the look-out for other kids to play with the minute we got out of the car. They seemed tired but pleasant when I picked them up this afternoon. They went down early tonight, pooped from the time change and life change.
Props to David for helping: coffee, breakfast for the girls, buckling them in, meeting me in the driveway with medicine, cleaning the kitchen, and cooking dinner. He said he felt very productive today. He enjoys being a stay-at-home husband.

Friday, March 7, 2008


We realized today, or at least verbalized it, that Sarah Kate is a little girl all of a sudden. She talks, sings, answers questions, fights with her sister, colors, makes requests. She's so meek and mild. I was unprepared for her to transition from baby to child. Some of my favs:

  • When I got home from work today: "Momma!" then "doat" (coat) and she starts to pull it off of me. "doat off." When I drop my coat on the floor: "uh-oh! dop doat down!" I decided she was ready for me to be home so the coat had to come off. You only wear a coat when you go "bye-bye."
  • Her favorite part of "Jesus Loves Me" is "the Bible tells me so." When you sing the other parts, she puts her finger to her mouth and says, "shhhh!"
  • "Sarah, what is your name?" Sarah Kate responds, "name!"
  • Our family favorite is at our meal time prayer. She enthusiastically sings along while holding at least one of our hands. She gets a few sounds right and ends with "a-men." God smiles along with us, I'm sure!

Claire is becoming a grown-up girl. She is, of course, excited about school on Monday. She has a crazy imagination. She imagines scenarios and gives you specific instruction on how you fit into her plot, including what you are to say. "When I knock on the door, you say, 'is that my baby?' then chase me and tickle me because you are the monster." She vascillates between being Sarah's hero and her nemesis. She loves to tickle her, make her giggle with funny sounds and faces. She equally loves to hide her own toys and jerk the toy-de-jour from her hands. She asks insightful questions like, "when I'm a grown up, who will be the kid?" and "how does Paw-Paw pay for his house if he doesn't work?" Her eyes sparkle with mischief and joy. This picture doesn't do her justice!

Last Day "at Home"

Thursday was our last day as a "stay at home" family. God blessed us with a great one. We did the library program, got to ride bikes, play in the sand, and color on the driveway. Some of the mundane and frustrating becomes endearing when you realize your time is short. I got teary-eyed several times when I thought of how much I would miss them during the day. I had to remind myself that I am not saying good-bye to them forever. I think it will make the time we do spend together more precious. I am sure I will appreciate them more. Pray for us as we enter this new season in our lives.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Looking on the Brightside: a script

[Sarah Kate dumps a bag of chocolate chips on the floor]

SK: uh-oh! nee-nup! nee-nup! (clean up)

[realizing what she has spilled, she begins to eat]

SK: cookies!

[Mom starts to sweep up, Sarah Kate reaches out to cover as many chips as she can]

SK: no. no. no.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I am thankful for a husband who takes the time to soothe a restless child to sleep. Even when he is out of energy. I am greatful for a husband who took a shift last night with a sick baby-- changing many diapers, washing sheets in the wee hours of the morning, giving a 4 a.m. bath to the smelliest child in Alabama--to allow me to recover from many nights of the same. He had worked all day and faced another 12 hour shift at the hospital today. I am so thankful for his sacrifice, his love for me and our children.
I would maintain that thanks are the
highest form of thought, and that
gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
-Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Mother's Love

I don't really like playing in the snow. Don't care for getting cold and wet. But when your daughter loves it, you make sacrifices.
"That sound when you walk is beautiful, isn't it Mommy?"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Five Months

The Smith Family @
the Grant Christmas Parade

Five months is a long time between posts. I have had the best intentions, but LIFE! I reviewed a friends beautiful family blog and was inspired to catch up. I can't load 5 months worth of pictures tonight. But enjoy what I do get up!

We have been in our new house for a little more than 2 months. There is still so much to do (if anyone loves to hang pictures, enjoys decorating, landscaping, come on over!). I feel like I run just to keep up with the daily tasks; how do I add the extra stuff like scrapping, hanging pics, sleeping? Nancy Leigh DeMoss says we have enough time in each day to do the things God has for us to do. The key is to communicate with him to find out exactly what those things are. I tend to get caught up in my own to-do lists. Is it too late for New Year's resolutions?

Claire is 3.75 years old. She is growing in stature and wisdom. She asks some amazing questions like, "how does God get us up to heaven?" Her proudest moment this year was earning the Cubbie Star at AWANA's last Wednesday. That is an award for the most well-behaved pre-schooler. She's been working on it all year. If you know Claire, you know how hard it is for her to sit quietly and not talk. She showed everyone at church her Cubbie Star prize (tatoo). "I'm really proud of myself," she told me later that night.

Sarah Kate is still off the charts. She is 15 months old, growing taller, adding words, climbing everything. She loves the horses that live across the street from us. She shouts "neigh" at them through the window. Most of the time you can find her walking around the house with a purse on her arm, some type of dress shoes on, talking on her cell phone. Or standing under me with her arms up. She would let me carry her around all day if I would!

David is doing well, working hard. The winters are rough at the hospital. He has found some regular tennis pals and spends most of his freetime doing that. He keeps the girls 2-3 days a week so I can work. He does a great job as Mr. Mom! .
That's us in a nutshell!