Monday, March 10, 2008

First Day of School (& work)

We survived our first day of school & work. I started at 4:30 a.m. I had time to sit and talk to David, drink coffee, enjoy some picture taking. I was 5 minutes late, even still! I forgot to give Kate her medicine and remembered 1/2 way across the mountain. Then I missed the turn to the school, putting me in thicker-than-necessary traffic. Add in school zones and 8 o'clock rush. ARG! Tomorrow will be better . . . I hope.

The girls enjoyed their first day. Sarah Kate cried; she cries anytime I leave. I had to remind Claire to give me a hug. She was on the look-out for other kids to play with the minute we got out of the car. They seemed tired but pleasant when I picked them up this afternoon. They went down early tonight, pooped from the time change and life change.
Props to David for helping: coffee, breakfast for the girls, buckling them in, meeting me in the driveway with medicine, cleaning the kitchen, and cooking dinner. He said he felt very productive today. He enjoys being a stay-at-home husband.

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