Later in the morning, I sat in my brown chair, reading, when I heard, "Mommy, come lay for me!" (We have some issues with prepositions.) How can I resist that? I snuggled up next to my baby girl. She sweetly stared into my eyes for the longest time, smiling. We both seemed to soak up this moment, knowing there are not enough of these kind in our lives. This moment where there is nothing pressing, nowhere to go, no one or nothing else in the whole world has our attention. It is simply mother and child.
She giggled after a bit. I had to tickle her. She giggled some more. Then, she had a plan. "Let's wake up, Mommy! I want some breakfast!" How did my 10 pound angle grow into a little kid who can tell me exactly what she wants? It's nice that both of my children can now articulate their needs. I don't miss the days of incoherent crying (not much anyway). We also engaged in a banter over her name. I have labeled her "Sweet Baby." She will accept nothing except "Sarah Kate" (or one of the 15 variations we have of that double-name) or "Sweet Baby." I try "stinky poo", "big girl", "silly willy." She corrects me seriously and sternly: "I Sarah Kate Smef" or "I not stinky poo; I Sweet Baby!" May I declare now that my Sweet Baby has my heart?!
So, we headed to the kitchen to fix "honey nuts" for Sarah Kate, oatmeal for me (down, cholesterol, down!). This picture is from our little date. She ate her cereal, commenting from time-to-time, "watch this, Mommy!" A little trick she learned from her big sister. You yell, "watch this!" and then do something very non-impressive like squint your eyes or hold your spoon in the air. What is often an annoying routine became entertaining. I tried to make her feel like each move she made was fascinating. Because it was. She is mine. A gift from the Creator. So precious. I am thankful I had a morning to enjoy her in all of her two-ness.