Moses is going about his day, rather mundane and normal. Then he spots the bush. Had he said, "I don't have time," or ran away out of fear, history would be changed. But, Moses took a moment to step out of the normalcy into the holy--shoes off, mind you.
"I must go over and see this!" Once Moses notices this act of wonder, God calls him by name. This event is intended for him. First, he had to notice the bush and turn away from his routine. Then he met God.
How many times in my day do I rush past a burning bush? Does God place "WOW!" in front of me while I run through my life with my eyes closed? Moments with my children, encounters with my patients, worship with the body of Christ, a sad stranger, the sunrise outside my window. If I stopped, turned aside from my rushed routine, would I hear him call my name? "Kelly! Kelly!"
A holy encounter with my God awaits me today. What will it be? Will I see and turn to it? Will I hear my name? Will I respond, "Here I am?" Open my eyes, oh Lord, to the burning bush you have for me today!
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