I've included a few "everyday" pictures from our day off (MLK Day). They seemed pretty ho-hum when I took them. We had a little snow. David took the kids out. We spent most of the day in our pj's (or "jamas" as we call them at our house).
Then, today, those normal moments became a little more precious to me. When I went to school to get the girls for their dentist appointments, a teacher ran down the hall with a lifeless child in her arms.
She was frantic, "he's not breathing! He's not breathing!"
Claire's teacher assured me everyone was certified in CPR. Being the [nosy] health care worker that I am, I checked in on them a few minutes later to see if they needed any help. The little boy had most likely experienced a febrile seizure. He had stopped breathing in the classroom. The hero-teacher gave him rescue breaths, then ran to the office to call 9-1-1 when he started breathing again. I provided a little assistance in the way of vitals, positioning, and a "medical" presence. These ladies did an excellent job of managing the situation. I simply affirmed that they were following appropriate procedure. He was not yet responsive when the paramedics arrived. Breathing, heart beating, but not awake.
The sweet angel is doing OK, last I heard. I stopped in to commend the director and his teacher that they did an excellent job. His teacher saved his life today.
I couldn't escape the image of his little body dangling from her arms. Two classrooms down, my own blond-headed angel slept on her cot, cuddled in her pink blanket. What protects me from that dreaded call from daycare? "Your child is unresponsive; she has been taken to the ER!" Thank you, GOD, that it wasn't my child! How terrible I feel to pray that, but it's the honest cry of my heart. I am so thankful mine made it through today. . .
. . . Thankful for our last lazy day of cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate, and indoor balloon tennis. What if that was the last day we spent together as a family? Did I spend enough quality time with my kids? Did they know I loved them that day?
And what about today? Were my stern words too much? My patience too short? How many kisses did I give them? Not enough, I'm sure.
I am so sorry that little Carson had to go through that today. I'm sorry his teacher had to breath life back into him. I feel heartache for the mom who picked up her phone at 11:38 to hear that her son was so sick. Thanks be to my Perfecter who allowed me to be a part of that moment. It has given me added appreciation for the time I spend with my kids!
They are both sleeping; I think I will go check on them . . . one more time.
Claire LOVES the snow! I love how expressive her face gets! She can say a hundred words with one look. She can also say a hundred words in about one minute!!

One quick "she's growing up" moment:
"If I can just learn to handle these tangles, I can brush my own hair!"(And, yes, that is a shiner on her left eye! She had a run-in with her bed rail.)