Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Preface

Since this is the month of love, I thought I would chronicle my own love story. If nothing else, it will remind me how intensely I felt about David way back when, as the pace of our current life often causes me to have early-onset memory loss (as in, "why did I marry this man?!"). It is way too easy for me to slip into a cycle of survival and forget that one of God's greatest gifts to me is sleeping beside me (or on the couch as he tends to do after trying to stay up to watch "one more" show). I have decided that due to the nature of my life (hectic!), this will have to be a series of posts, chapters, if you will.

Today, the back-story.

In high school, I dated and dabbled in "romance" (does one really know what that is at 16?!). The Summer before my Senior year, I hit the relationship wall. My eyes were opened to my misplaced priorities. The pursuit of a relationship had taken place of my pursuit of Christ. I paid little attention to His desires for my life. Instead, I focused on my current boyfriend or the prospects that were ahead. What a roller coaster! When your happiness is dependent on an adolescent male, you are headed for trouble!

On July 3, 1995, it all came to a head. During the Sunday morning service (the last religious practice left in my life at the time), Ray Boltz's "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb" was played. I was struck with the reality that, given the choice I may choose my own life over allegiance to Christ. That personal revelation rocked me. It was like looking into a distorted mirror at the fun house; I didn't recognize the image starting back at me.

I made the decision that it would be Christ. He would always be my answer. My life or His cross? I would choose His cross. I went forward, broken. I poured my sacrifice out on the alter (Psalm 51:17). I left the broken pieces of my heart, the hurt received and delivered, the shameful choices, the skewed priorities. He took them all. And all that would come.

After the service, eyes red from the cleansing, I saw him. He was the new interim youth minister. I knew that if I were going to actually live out my decision, he was one person I would need to know. I remember introducing myself. His smile was charming, but my vision was fixed on my Savior. Soon, the two images would share the same frame.

Idea for series inspired by : Amber @ The Run a Muck


Laura Forman said...

Did you mean 1995 instead of 2005?? :) I am so glad you are writing your story...can't wait to hear the next part!! :)

The Smith Family said...

thanks for the edit! i need a second set of eyes. i can not count how many times i had to get up to deal w/ a kid while trying to write this :) little blessings!

Officer Patty O'Furniture said...

oh i love this! i love how-we-met stories. i, too, cannot wait to read the rest! yay for love! ;)

the beasleys said...

Wow, Kelly. I remember so much of this!!! It was the summer before your senior year and just the summer before I was a sophomore. I had such a different perspective, but it's fascinating to read history that you were involved in spoken by another person. This is really amazing stuff - thank you!