Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Claire Turns Three!

Claire turned three Monday! She's like a can of silly string--she is constantly in motion, bouncing off the walls, talking non-stop. Her imagination is developing. She loves to pretend she is chasing sharks or jaguars, baking cupcakes for a birthday party, and making Valentines for Mommy. She can get a little out of control at times and she is definitely exhibits signs of being the oldest child (being bossy, that is--I speak from experience!). Her birthday was fun this year since she knew what was coming up. She enjoyed picking out the theme (The Backyardigans), the chips (Cheetos and Sun Chips), and making her guest list. We had a great time playing out in the backyard with her friends and family!

Claire with her over-sized Backyardigan cupcake . . .

and the rest of them (thanks for helping me make these, Kathie!)

Grandma, Kris, and Sarah Kate

Claire chasing bubbles from her new bubble machine (thanks Rylee!)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hi, Smith family! I was just thinking about all of you and thought I'd check in, the kids are growing so fast! We miss you all alot. Emma still asks about her friend Claire. There are some new pictures of them on www.myspace.com/lorinix if you want to check them out.
Hope to hear from you soon!