Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dental Hygiene with Claire

Claire is a master teeth-brusher. She is in charge of her own oral hygiene most mornings/nights. She does a great job (thanks to thorough instructions from her daddy who flosses twice a day--who does that, really?). She has made it to age 5 with no cavities, always a good report from the dentist.

Tonight, while brushing her teeth she educated the whole family on the importance of brushing your tongue.

C: "The nastiest part of your mouth is the back of your tongue."

Me: "How do you know?"

C: "It is dark and moist. I'd stay there if I were a germ."

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i just happened to check the blog tonight! love the new posts! and love that kid! these are hilarious--and she's so smart! :)